hedge trimming, tree pruning, laurel hedging,

5 Evergreen Trees & Shrubs for Constant Colour

The winter reminds us how bare our gardens can look when our plants are dormant, but the best way to keep your garden alive is to plant a range of evergreen plants and shrubs.

In England we are limited on the amount of evergreen trees we can choose from, however our Manchester based tree surgeons have provided plenty of other options for year long greenery. Below you will find 5 of our favourite evergreen plants and shrubs (as well as the odd tree).


Coniferous trees keep their leaves all year round and are a fantastic looking tree in general. Their dense bushy leaves provide a wealth of greenery and come in different shades, from crisp grass shades to deep emeralds. With them being evergreen they also a great nesting spot for birds and other wildlife.

The density of the trees provide many benefits, from protection from predators to providing much needed shade in the summer months. They also act as a food source, with many conifers producing nuts or berries, making them a firm favourite amongst robins, greenfinches and ever larger birds such as crows.

So if you’re looking for year round bushy deep green leaves, which will also attract sweet bird songs in the morning, conifers are the way to go.

hedge trimming, conifers,


Bamboo is a great evergreen tropical looking plant, which is extremely fast growing, making it one of the best options if you’re wanting a lot of foliage fast. However, since it’s so fast growing it can also be quite invasive, so you do have to spend more time maintaining bamboo so it doesn’t take over.

Generally we recommend keeping bamboo in large separate pots, which still look fantastic but eradicate any risks you can find with bamboo. If for example you plant bamboo to close to a house you can end up with structural issues, as their roots travel extremely far, moving sideways as well as downwards. If planted in a border with other plants, you will need to regularly trim it back so it doesn’t spread out too much, blocking any necessary light that


Laurels are one of our favourite shades of green and blend perfectly with healthy well maintained grass. They are a really bushy shrub and can be pruned in to a variety of shapes, although we like them when they’re trimmed in to a simple neat rectangle. Their leaves are hardy and have a sort of tropical texture to them and they grow at a fast pace too!

hedge trimming, tree pruning, laurel hedging,


Another tropical looking plant, japonicas are a great option for year round leaves, plus their leaves are huge. Japonicas come in a variety of styles and colours and are extremely low maintenance, meaning you always have a nice looking plant, with very little work. What you will have to look out for is insects eating your leaves, especially the red beetle, which can leave them looking untidy.

low maintenance plants, fatsia japonica


Leylandii is a type of coniferous evergreen which is typically trimmed in to more of a border shrub, like laurels. Leylandii are the fastest growing shrub you can find in the U.K, so they’re great for quick privacy and greenery. Plus different types of wildlife love them. 

For more gardening ideas, check out our post on the best plants for a low maintenance garden here.