tree surgery transformations,

5 Plants for Winter Colour

The winter months may often be dark and grey but that doesn’t mean your garden needs to be. As well as evergreen plants that will keep your garden looking green all year round, these 5 plants are a great way to add some colour.

If you’re planning on getting some of your bigger jobs done during the colder months contact one of our tree surgeons and we will take you through our services, from tree pruning to felling.

1. Heather

Heathers are one of our favourite winter flowers as they come in all sorts of colours, providing almost as much colours as the flowers you get in the summer months. You can get yellow varieties, orange, pink, purple and even blue, so if you wanted a really colourful container why not opt for the colours in the rainbow?

2. Winter Pansies

Although we refer to them as winter pansies, typically they won’t flower between December and February, however if you plant them now you will still get flowers from them in to November. Planting them now also means you will gain a larger array of flowers when they do flower in the new year, usually around March. Despite them not flowering in the coldest months they will still provide lush green foliage.

3. Snowdrops

Most people will recognise snowdrops as the delicate white flowers that you often see growing in the woods, but they are great for gardens too. Usually they will flower between January and March.

4. Crocus

Crocus are a beautiful flower which contain a lot of fine details in their petals. Although they’re only small they come in a number of shades, such as bright yellow or purple, so can really add a striking splash of colour to the garden.

5. Daffodils

Daffodils typically flower in the early spring, however in recent years they’ve been blooming much sooner than this, sometimes even in late January. If you’ve already planted your bulbs you’ll soon start to see their stems coming through and will more than likely have flowers by February. Be careful if you have pets that like to dig up your plants though as the bulbs can be poisonous.

Another great way to have colour all year round is to invest in faux flowers. Artificial flowers and plants can be indistinguishable from the real thing these days, so it’s easy to trick people in to thinking they’re the real deal. Many types can be kept outside, you’ll just need to clean them occasionally.